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Organize a supply drive. Help at our Resource Center. 
Provide a meal. Help write a resume.

Meal Preparation and Delivery 

Provide warm, nutritious meals for families in our care by preparing or purchasing a meal and delivering it to our interim house.

Chicken and Rice

Supply Donations

Support families by donating critical supplies like toiletries, cleaning items, and gift cards. These items are distributed during weekly case management meetings, with each family often leaving with 4–6 bags of supplies.

Sanitizing Products

Grocery Delivery

Help ensure families have access to essential groceries by delivering 1–2 bags of food to our interim house.


Donation Drive

Organize collection drives for much-needed supplies and gift cards to help replenish our shelves.



350 supply pick ups scheduled this year

14 families/ 41 people supported in our interim house this year

100% of meals and groceries delivered by volunteers


Other Ways to Make a Difference with Family Promise of Santa Clarita Valley

  • Family Connections Unity Dinners: Assist with setup, cleanup, serving food, and supply distribution at local churches.

  • Special Events Assistance: Support us at events such as golf tournaments, holiday gift events, and more.

  • Administrative Tasks: Support our team with various office tasks.

  • Financial Literacy Training: Empower families with the skills they need for sustainable independence.


Why Volunteer with Us?

Volunteers play an essential role in helping families experiencing homelessness attain sustainable independence. We understand the diverse interests, abilities, and schedules of our volunteers, so we offer flexibility and value any amount of time you can dedicate to Family Promise of Santa Clarita Valley.

Get Involved

There is something for everyone at Family Promise!

Together, we can make a lasting impact on our community.



"I've been providing meals for Family Promise for the past six years. It began as a way for me to serve others through my church, but now I continue supporting the program because I'm fortunate enough to be able to do so, and if we are able to help, we must."

Volunteer from Family Promise of Santa Clarita Valley

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