Our interim house provides shelter and hospitality - which is the foundation of the Family Promise model.
Families who qualify for our interim house program ideally stay for a 30-60-90 day stay. During their stay, the family work closely with our case management team to find resources to find work, improve their credit, save money, and find housing.
There is no fee to stay in the interim house. All utilities are provided, and every family has their own secured bedroom. A fully stocked kitchen and all linens/toiletries/household goods are provided. We want our families to focus on saving money so they have an emergency fund and the funds to sustain their new rent upon moving out.
Volunteers provide a hot meal and/or supplemental groceries once per week in order to support our families.

A glimpse inside our interim house:
In every community, these core elements exist. By bringing the community together on the issue of family homelessness, Family Promise addresses a major social problem in a holistic, effective way. Once the community becomes engaged, people understand the root causes of family homelessness and take steps to address them. Family Promise Affiliates have created more than 1,700 community initiatives—housing programs, homelessness prevention, childcare and much more—that target the issues of poverty and homelessness on a local level.
Not only does our 88% success rate mean many more families stably housed, it is also a tremendous cost saving to the community as diversion from far more expensive interventions. Our approach of keeping families together, identifying their strengths, and partnering with the community for solutions means that families are at much lower risk of returning to homelessness.
Family Promise changes lives. We served 109 parents and children last year with shelter, giving them the ability to realize their true potential.